September 16, 2005
Save the Supreme Court NOW!

Please call your senators and pass the email on if you are worried about any of the following issues:

birth control, access to safe and legal abortion, equal pay for women, civil rights, lesbian or gay rights, workers' rights, separation of church and state.

Roberts is really really really bad news, and as Chief Justice, he gets to pick the cases that are heard, and even choose the justices that write opinions. Go to to take action. Calling your senators would be *EXTREMELY* helpful.

Another way to take action is to join us at a rally in Raleigh on Wednesday, Sept 21 at 5pm. These rallies are to publicize issues with Supreme Court Chief Justice Nominee John Roberts.

The main site is Wade Ave, across from the Whole Foods (near the beltline).

Please join us if you can. RSVP so I can bring enough signs, 539-7702. Thanks.

p.s. The Independent (Triangle weekly paper) has an informative article on Roberts this week. Grab one if you can.

Posted by Admin at September 16, 2005 12:20 AM